As stated before, advanced kidney disease reflects a state of acidosis, and medications like bicarbonate are prescribed to try to neutralize this acid effect. Often, however, this requires a lot of pills or citrate, a liquid form of the bicarbonate; and these medications are not tolerated well, as they can cause an upset stomach and heartburn.
Chronic Kidney Disease Diet Plan |
Luckily, there are some tastier liquid alternatives that may help. Since many of you with CKD are restricted in how much you can drink, though, you need to be smart about it. And after all, shouldn't what you drink be as important as what you eat?
Alkalized Water
Many patients do not tolerate bicarbonate. For those who do, bicarbonate may not always be strong enough to counter the effects of acid buildup in the body. That is where alkalized water can help. Alkalized water is not only filtered, but with a pH of about 9 to 11, it has more of an alkaline pH than normal water, which is about 6.5 to 8.
There is water that is prepared already at this pH and there are ways of making it yourself. For instance, if you are using water that is filtered, the addition of pH drops can make the water more alkaline. Another option to increase the pH of filtered water is to add Iemon or lime. A good guideline is one teaspoon of lemon or lime to one quart of water. Lemon is converted to citrate in the body, which helps neutralize the body's acidity. The amount of potassium in the lemon is very small, but be aware of the potassium content of alkalized water if you choose to buy it.
The Role of Juicing
Juicing is a great way to not only get the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of fresh fruits and vegetables, but also to benefit from the alkaline effect of the fruits and vegetables you put in your drink. Again, it is important to watch the potassium content of the vegetables and fruits you choose.
A great juice drink my mother makes combines an apple (for flavor) with the three C's: cabbage, cucumbers, and carrots. You can vary what you put in the juice drink depending on your potassium restrictions. I would only recommend one fruit per drink, and in most cases, an apple, lemon, or lime should be the fruit added. Many other fruits are more acidic and can have a high glycemic index load, which you need to watch out for if you have diabetes.
Even on the most severe fluid restriction, juices can be enjoyed. For example, a 4 or 8 oz glass of freshly made juice in the morning is perfectly fine. For some, it can even take the place of the breakfast meal. Another option would be to have a 4 or 8 oz glass of alkaline water with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime. This also provides a great start to the day. If you are not on a severe fluid restriction, you can choose to have a glass with dinner as well
The best advice I can offer you is to be open and willing to change. For example, switching to a vegetable-based diet represents a radical change and is not easy for many; however, it can drastically improve your health. Moreover, most of us were raised to finish everything on our plates. Dinner was meat and potatoes, with maybe a soft drink or some other artificial drink to wash it down. Unhealthy eating behaviors were also instilled in many of us as teenagers, when fried food became our staple. Burgers and fries went hand in hand with zits and rock and roll.
Don't be afraid to kick those habits. The transition doesn't have to be difficult. Food can be tasty and nutritious. You just have to make the decision to change to a healthier lifestyle.
With each progressive stage of CKD, you should discuss dietary choices with your doctor and dietitian. Many of these dietary programs are individualized. A sampling of dietary options is presented below; but again, your particular situation may be somewhat different, so stay flexible. To find out more, you can check out Chronic Kidney Disease Diet Plan.