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Diabetes And Kidney Failure Symptoms


The hormones made by the kidneys and adrenal glands help regulate blood pressure. Unfortunately, they are also hugely responsible for thrusting the kidneys' inflammatory response into overdrive, especially in cases where high blood pressure, diabetes, or various forms of nephritis are involved. One of the mainstays of CKD treatment, no matter the cause, has been the use of certain classes of blood pressure medications that block the RAA system. These medications, called ACE inhibitors and angiotensins receptor blockers - or ARBs for short - can reduce the level of inflammation in the kidneys and help preserve kidney function. They may also reduce the level of TGF-beta. In addition, these same medications have a heart-protective effect.


I do not want you to think that in regards to inflammation, all is lost and nothing can be done. This is completely untrue. In fact, the inflammatory effects of many of the conditions that can cause CKD, including hypertension and diabetes, can be minimized or even prevented. All it requires is a commitment to change your life and lifestyle. As you know, a healthier lifestyle including exercise and dietary modification can reduce the inflammatory load and help prevent progression of CKD. There are many other things that you can do to help your kidney health and reduce the inflammatory response, as well.

Kidney disease is an inflammatory condition that can have detrimental effects on your health - especially your heart health - and can
shorten your lifespan. What's important is that once you know you have this condition, there are things you can do to assist your body in stopping the inflammatory response. By changing your lifestyle and your diet, you can help prevent inflammation and many of the conditions.

Common Causes Of Kidney Disease

We will explore in detail the medical conditions frequently responsible for causing CKD, some of which were briefly mentioned earlier. Diabetes and hypertension remain the two most common - and in many ways most preventable - causes of kidney disease in this country. Over thirty percent of our population is obese, and obesity is also a very common, yet under-recognized cause of kidney disease. In our aging population, vascular disease, or atherosclerosis, is becoming a more recognized cause of kidney disease. As you read through, keep in mind one important point: While diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and vascular disease are individual conditions, they can and often do frequently occur together.


Diabetes mellitus, commonly called just diabetes, is a devastating medical condition that can affect the eyes, nerves, nervous system, blood vessels, heart, and kidneys. There are two different types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not make insulin. Most people are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at a young age, and many may develop problems with the blood vessels in their eyes, which is called retinopathy (retin-a-pathie). If left untreated, their vision can worsen. 

In type 2 diabetes, the body is able to make insulin, but the insulin doesn't work like it is supposed to. Because of obesity and other factors, the body develops a resistance to it.

When diabetes leads to kidney disease, it is called diabetic nephropathy (nef-ra-pathie). About one fourth of those diagnosed with type 1 diabetes will go on to develop kidney disease, and many of them will also have retinopathy. About ten percent of those with type 2 diabetes will go on to develop kidney disease, although this may be a low estimation. Diabetic nephropathy is the most common cause of kidney disease in this country, and the number of people diagnosed is skyrocketing as more and more of our younger generation is being affected. To find out more, you can check out Diabetes And Kidney Failure Symptoms.